Dejal Simon 2.5 Mac OS X server monitoring tool updated

Dejal Systems has updated Simon its server monitoring tool for Mac OS X.

Simon 2.5 checks web pages, FTP and DNS servers, local or remote ports or volumes, and other services for changes or failures, and notifies you via email, sound, speech, Twitter, SMS, HTML reports, and other means.

Services include Web (HTTP) to check web pages (including secure ones, and supporting POST and cookies), FTP files and directory listings, DNS, Ping servers, see Twitter updates, watch a local Application, capture screenshots, watch for System Log Errors, and more.

Additionally, you can add your own services via custom port connections, AppleScripts, shell scripts, or Perl, PHP, Python and more.

Dejal Simon 2.5 Mac OS X server monitoring tool updated

Simon 2.5 checks web pages, FTP and DNS servers and more.

New features in version 2.5 include SMS notifier plug-in, to send text messages via Clickatell or email, Web notifier plug-in (like the Web service) to post to a web-based script, added S.M.A.R.T. Status, Drive Status, and Pulse services, and a Post to Simon Wall notifier.

Also new is a Convert Domain/IP command to change a domain name into the corresponding IP address, or vice versa.

A full list of updated features can be found on the Dejal home page.

Simon 2.5 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later and is a Universal Binary.

Simon 2.5 costs $29.95, around 20, a full-featured demo is also available.

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