Apple updates MobileMe status

Apple has issued its latest status update on MobileMe, having recently launched a blog detailing the hurdles the company is facing with the service.

The blog, situated here, now reports, "As you know, restoring full email access to the remaining 1% of MobileMe users is our first priority. We turned on web access to their current email yesterday and the feedback has been cautiously positive."

About 1 per cent of MobileMe's subscribers had been affected by an e-mail outage, Apple confirmed on Friday. The problem was caused when one of Apple's mail servers had unexpected - and very serious, technical problems, at least that's what Apple's saying.

"We've restoredfull email history (minus the approximately 10 per cent of mail received between 18-22 July which may have been lost) and the ability to access email from a Mac, PCand iPhone, to over 40 per cent of these users, and expect the remainder to be restored in the next few days," Apple said.

Apple will post another status report early this week, the company promised.

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