LaCie offers new Enterprise Class Storage Solutions

Macworld Awards 2009 nominee LaCie has announced the new Enterprise Class range of storage solutions with the LaCie d2 Quadra Enterprise Class, LaCie 2big Quadra Enterprise Class, and the LaCie 4big Quadra Enterprise Class.

The range promises to be among the most sophisticated offerings on the market, and provides six data protection levels, robust performance, data encryption, connectivity, RAID protection, a professional backup offer and an advanced service package.

The new product range comes with internal SATA Enterprise Class disks, featuring 7200RPM and 32MB of cache memory. These high-quality internal disks target an ambitious 1.2 million MTBF (Mean Time Before Failure) and have been optimised for RAID towers with a vibration resistance technology.

According to the company, professionals will get the ability to reach more than 700MB/s of transfer speeds through a RAID 50 array with four LaCie 4big Quadra Enterprise Class.

LaCie offers new Enterprise Class Storage Solutions

The LaCie 2big Quadra Enterprise Class and LaCie 4big Quadra Enterprise Class also include customisable RAID modes including RAID 0, RAID 1 or RAID 5. The range also comes with back-up software for Mac - Intego Backup Manager Pro - and PC - Genie Backup Manager Pro for Windows.

Designed in aluminium by noted product designer Neil Poulton, the LaCie Enterprise Class range will be available in a variety of capacities from 1TB to 8TB from 229 for the LaCie d2 Quadra Enterprise Class, 419 for the LaCie 2big Quadra Enterprise Class, and 879 for the LaCie 4big Quadra Enterprise Class. All prices exclude VAT.

LaCie’s Enterprise Class Product range comes with a 5-year warranty, a 5-year advance product replacement plan, and 5 years of data recovery.

More details can be found at

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